September 11, 2011


Well, another weekend is almost over. On everyone's mind right now is the remembrance of what happened 10 years ago today. and i want to share where I was that day. (for my sake- my memory is just so terrible that I don't trust it at all.)
I was a jr at ACU and walked into Mrs. Holman's (??) class about elementary reading methods and rumors were going around that America had been attacked. And since no one could even imagine the depth of the horror that was to come in the next half hour, she said a comforting prayer and had a quick class that released much earlier than normal. We all left and headed to the student center where we were met with crowds gathered around TV stations set to CNN and Fox News with images of planes crashing, smoke billowing, people in a panic, and a general disbelief about it all. it was so huge that you couldn't even really comprehend what was going on. We went to chapel at 11 and just prayed for anyone involved. Details were so sketchy for all of us at this little college in West Texas and we didn't get it or rather, couldn't get it. I went to our apartment and Lauren and I wept as we watched the news nonstop. I was so anxious and upset. The devastation was just gigantic and I was unsure of how our country would react, or what was next. As the country shut down air space and the stock market stopped and America came to a halt for safety reasons, I saw firemen and policemen and everyday heroes helping little old ladies and kids and grown men. It was terrible and amazing at the same time. People holding on to strangers. It was so beautiful, the huge, open, helping hearts of strangers. Many more details came. The Pentagon and PA flight information, the new security measures, the sad news of missing people who never were found. America changed 10 years ago today. Our nation stands tall, blessed immeasureably, in spite of the actions of a few, remembering those lost and cherishing those we have with us. Thank you Lord for what I have and what you have given me.

August 07, 2011

coast trip 2011

Well- since it seems I only update the ole blog after the annual trip to the coast, I'll continue with tradition.

This time our party of 3 had a new member: Miss Mia Ruth, who was the best 6 month old you could ask for at the beach. She did a lot of sleeping and got a peek of sunburn on her baby cheeks (I did my very best!!!) and seemed to enjoy the beach. And Henley LOVED the sand and playing in the water and chasing seagulls. She would have burned up because she wanted to be in the sun sooo much. At least we had plenty of food to keep her under the canopy.

Right as we were packing up, a gust of wind lifted the huge canopy up, and hooked under Hen's chair and picked her and the chair up. David ran to grab them before they were airborne and the canopy unhooked from them and whopped him in the ear as it made it's mad dash toward the truck. Luckily I grabbed a pole as it flew by and it stopped 3 inches from the truck. Unfortunately, it ripped half of David's earlobe off. What a lot of blood. No, that's not true. Not even a scratch. Would have been quite a story though, huh?

Highlights of the trip:
*whenever we saw a mermaid in shops or signs, Hen would point to it and call it a Naked Susan * we ate delicious meals at Beach and Station Street, again. Mine: crab stuffed shrimp (twice), David: Grouper Pontchartrain and Stuffed Flounder
*forgot a pack-n-play so Henley slept in a big bed for the first time!
*Sleeping choices were (1) sleep with Mia and wake up at 3 for a bottle, at 6 for a bottle and then up for good at 7 or (2) sleep with Henley and get kicked in the head and calves and knees all night, have her feet in your face as she sleeps perpendicular to you and save her from sliding out of bed but not actually "waking up". David and I traded off.
*Mamie and Pop were a huge help- Pop took Henley swimming at the local pool in regular clothes and Mamie was the only one who could get Mia to sleep sometimes. We got to go on 2 dates sans kiddos- breakfast and dinner!!
*All at once: watching my husband fish, a girl chasing shadows with her grandma, my dad reading a magazine, and me holding a sleeping girl soaking in the blue sky and aqua waves. God is good.

It was a wonderful trip. Usually, I'm worrying and soaking in every second since August at the coast signifies the end of summer and back to school. I'm so excited to begin this year of being with the girls. Routines will help; with sleep schedules, WEIGHT LOSS and happy girls (yours truly included). Excited. Grateful. Blessed.

July 16, 2011

Whoa. Almost a year since my last post. I had kinda suspected I wouldn't be a very good during-the-school-year blogger and I was right. But good news- I'm going to stay home next year, wooooohoooo!! and so my blog might see a little more action than it has lately.

Major change since last summer, the addition of one totally precious little lady, miss Mia, to our family. She is now 5 months old and while it was a bit rocky at first (including a hospital stay complete with spinal taps and catheters at the teeny age of 5 weeks!!) we are adjusting quite well and feeling pretty darn happy as a family of 4.

Actually, as I look at the last post about the coast, I remember I was pregnant and feeling it! My posting about chocolate, turkey and sweet tea should have had kettle chips, doritos, grapes, m&ms, doughnuts, breakfast tacos and french fries added to the listBold. That was during the day. Then it would wind down into the evening and nothing could make it to my stomach. David would get Grouper Pontchartrain (oh, we love you Beach and Station Street) and I would get noodles with butter sauce. Or chicken strip salad and just eat the lettuce. Poor Mia enjoyed deliciousness for the first 6 months and the last 3 were diabetic torture.Nothing yummy (tortillas, cereal, milk, bread, chocolate, candy, soda) was allowed. Blood checked 4 times a day and dr visits weekly. Bah. Went quickly. And you know- I felt better. But no wonder she was such a grouch for the first few months!

Anyway, going to try to get a bit better at updating my blog. I said TRY, dang it. Don't hold me to it. Two little chickies make it easier said than done.

August 15, 2010

sun, sand, and seaglass

a few from big shell.

when we go to the coast now, we head 25 miles down the beach to get to big shell beach. it's about an hour and a half drive, through soft sand and requires a skilled driver and four wheel drive. luckily, david doesn't mind. in return for your troubles, you get CLEAN beach (no seaweed, no trash!!) and solitude. only 4 cars went by us all day!
it was wonderful to sit and listen to the waves, feed the seagulls and watch Henley enjoy the coast for the first time. she dug in the sand, splashed in the waves and snoozed on the beach. we found lots of seaglass and cool seashells, ate chips and turkey and cheese and chocolate and drank plenty of sweet tea. it was perfect.

throwing a fit...

here's the latest temper tantrum from the little miss. she shrieks when i walk out of her sight. i plan to show these at her wedding someday. she'll really appreciate her 5 chins. ;)

July 14, 2010

summer so far....

Well, I knew I would be awful about updating this blog. At this rate, I'll have 12 posts a year, tops. Makes it easy on me, I guess. ;)
Just wanted to put a few pics of our summer so far on here. June 11th- last day of school- hurrah! The day was also 5 years with this sweet guy.... Then, June 15th, we left for our Seattle/San Fran trip with Mom and Molly. My cousin, Jessica, got married in Seattle so we spent about 4 days there, and then drove down the coast to San Francisco. Lots of firsts for Henny, including first plane ride, first time to the beach, first parade... We had such a great time seeing all the sights- we did all the touristy things (Space Needle, Golden Gate Bridge, harbor cruises, Redwood forest, Route 1, sightseeingbuses). We were just exhausted after 10 hour days pushing strollers and changing stinky blowouts and trying to stay WARM (seriously, we froze the whole trip!!). Here's a few randoms.... Enjoying the Chihuly blownglass installation in Tacoma. I love glassblowing and this was amazing! And yes, I did notice my MAJOR jawline. Mom and Aunt Sarah at Jessica's wedding.

Henley's first parade. Can you tell she didn't care too much about it one way or another???Henley and me in the redwoods. Try to ignore my outrageous bangs!??!

Henley and Molly on a huge fallen tree.

This girl was the BEST little vacationer! In her 7 months of life, been to Fort Worth, Houston, Austin, San Angelo, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix, San Francisco- can you believe that?

After all that traveling, we had the Immel reunion and a fun couples baby shower in Bronte, but nothing too wild.
Since we've been back, we're taking it easy- watching Elmo's World each morning at 9:40, playing in the kiddie pool, going to the library and Costco and strolling Target. Ahh, summer.

June 04, 2010

Hi Y'all!

Well, I LOVE to read other people's blogs and I just can't keep pictures of this lovey to myself so I am starting a blog today!

I might be awful about updating... we shall see.

Take care!